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Progress Bars

There are currently three progress bar components

  1. "progressBar1"
  2. "progressBar2"
  3. "progressBar3"

Demo of progressBar1

Demo of progressBar2

Demo of progressBar3

Progress Bars Usage

item1: {
id: 'progressBar1',
progressColor: '#a4c3f5',
scrubberColor: "#a4c3f5",
scrubberBorderColor: "white",
bufferedColor: "#B7B7B7"

Progress Bar Properties

Property NameRequiredAccepted ValuesDescriptionDefault
idYes"progressBar1", "progressBar2", "progressBar3"Used to render a progressBar.undefined
barColorNoAny hex or rgb color codeChanges the background color of the progressBar."white"
progressColorNoAny hex or rgb color codeChanges the color of the progress in the progressBar"#4ab860"
scrubberColorNoAny hex or rgb color codeChanges the color of the progressBar scrubber (the circle at the end of the progress).Same as the progressColor if defined or "white"
scrubberBorderColorNoAny hex or rgb color codeChanges the border color of the progressBar scrubber.A lightened version of the scrubberColor
bufferedColorNoAny hex or rgb color codeChanges the color of the buffered part of the progressBar (the content that is already loaded)."rgba(0,0,0,0.4)"
hideOnMobileNotrue or falseHides the progressBar component when the video's width is less than 768pxfalse
marginLeftNoA string css value for the marginLeft property, ex: '10px', '10rem'Changes the left margin of the progressBar"0"
marginRightNoA string css value for the marginRight property, ex: '10px', '10rem'Changes the left margin of the progressBar"0"

Top Progress Bar

Instead of putting the progress bar in the controls bar, it can be put above the controls bar. This is a good way of saving space in the controls bar.

Demo of topProgressBar

Top Progress Bar Usage

topProgressBar: {
id: 'progressBar1',
progressColor: '#a4c3f5',
scrubberColor: "#a4c3f5",
scrubberBorderColor: "white",
bufferedColor: "#B7B7B7"

The topProgressBar has the same properties as seen in the table above.