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Play Buttons

There are currently two playButtons

  1. "playButton1"
  2. "playButton2"

Play Button 1

Play Button 2


item1: {
id: 'playButton1',
buttonColor: '#a4c3f5',


Property NameRequiredAccepted ValuesDescriptionDefault
idYes"playButton1" or "playButton2"Used to render a playButton.undefined
buttonColorNoAny hex or rgb color codeChanges the color of the playButton.Calculated from controlsBar barColor property
hideOnMobileNotrue or falseHides the playButton component when the video's width is less than 768pxfalse
marginLeftNoA string css value for the marginLeft property, ex: '10px', '10rem'Changes the left margin of the playButton"0"
marginRightNoA string css value for the marginRight property, ex: '10px', '10rem'Changes the left margin of the playButton"0"